Monday, January 19, 2009

ASSEC Here I Come

Well the $1032 dollars in debit card charges confirm that I am going to the Alaska Statewide Special Educators Conference (ASSEC) again this year (no matter what). If you've been with me since last year you can remember how instrumental it was last year in reconfirming my dedication to the teaching profession. I experienced a massive creative burst of the mind and I'm looking forward to spending some me time in Anchorage learning and conversing with leaders in the world of teaching.

My brother leaves for England tomorrow. I want to wish him good luck and safe travels, be safe and I love you buddy! Have the time of your life.

Day two of PE class Yoga. Response was much better, all the little yogis stretched and breathed and meditated and it was great. They are doing so good this year, you can just feel the positive attitude improving around a few key students that lead everyone.

Tomorrow is a big day. We are still working really hard trying to figure out how we can stream or show our students the Obama inauguration tomorrow morning. Hopefully we'll get it taken care of because we are going to get to witness a real moment in time. Somehow I feel like it will be lost on everyone except the teachers.

I was watching the "concert" last night because my bourgeois ass has HBO unlike you poor peasant folk with your modest basic cable. (Can you believe they only put it on premium tv?). It was weird. Betty Lavette with Bon Jovi. John Legend with James Taylor. Who thought these teams up? I just looked uncomfortable and awkward. Plus it must have been so hard to play and sing in the cold like that. Then Tom Hanks talked forever and I kept thinking about his speech in Forest Gump from the same spot. Why was it so celebrity centered? I can think of about 100 other speakers I would have liked to have seen instead. Celebrities are such asses. Why couldn't we have heard from a cancer research doctor, or a special education teacher, or inner city social worker, or a Old Folks Home nurse, but no Marrisa Tomei babbles some Reagan quote off a teleprompter. It doesn't seem right.

Where are the REAL people who keep this country together? Thats what I want to see.

Anyways, I just hope tomorrow goes smoothly with no tragedies. Good Luck Obama sir, you gotta big effing mess to clean up.

Have a good week you allstars you.

1 comment:

Brett Ortgiesen said...

The REAL people are behind the scenes quietly busting their asses for the love of humanity while the celebrities give people what they have been taught to love, vanity.
