Sunday, August 19, 2007


Man, I don't know if I've seen a sunset this beautiful since I was in Byron Bay Australia. I wrote this as the colors exploded in the sky.

Burn globe slow
And simmer,
In the dusk mellow.
A giant closing eye
Hangs low
At the crossing.
The horizon firm unmoving,
But the one moving is me.
The fireball stays the same.
But, I turn endlessly.
I am the rotator.
I am on the spinning top.
It is the beam that lasts.
It is the one that won't stop.
Beyond what we can imagine,
Beyond what we will know,
It glows.

Hope that warms you up a little.


Susan Iverson said...

What an amazing place being experienced by an even more amazing person. I am glad to be seeing it through your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got to see what I would call a little piece of why we are all here. Not everyone gets to see those things. Your poem is beautiful and it makes the inside of me smile.
